Fearlessly Fighting T1D General Information

General Information:
Who We Are: Fearlessly Fighting T1D is a non-profit organization that was formed to better the lives of those living with Type One Diabetes.
Our Focus: is to create a community, that supports, educates, and connects those living with Type One Diabetes. Through our Wine About Diabetes Support Group, and annual fundraising events, we are supporting not only the individual through their type one journey but also raising funds that will ultimately help fund a cure.
Beneficiaries: Funds raised on behalf of Fearlessly Fighting T1D will be divided amongst beneficiaries that we vote on as a board. The goal is to raise funds for beneficiaries that strive to move the mission of a cure for Type One Diabetes forward and will better the lives of those living with Type One until that cure is found. We believe in the mission and the efforts of JDRF, and at this time, they will be the main beneficiary of funds raised from our events.
501c3: Fearlessly Fighting T1D is determined a nonprofit organization by the internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501c3 as of 03/01/2021. Donors can deduct condtributions made on our behalf and we are eligible to recieve tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers, and gifts under Section 2055, 2016 or 2522.
Federal Tax ID# 86-3376247
Programs & Events:
- Wine About Diabetes is a support group for adult women living with Type One Diabetes. Monthly meetups are held at various restaurants in the Sacramento region with the goal of providing a safe, fun atmosphere for those in the group to share and connect over their T1D journey.
- The Driving Fore A Cure Golf Tournament is an annual event that raises funds on behalf of JDRF and other nonprofit organizations that support those living with Type One.
- Sugar Stash Dash: Virtual run during the month of November to help raise awareness and funds for Type One Diabetes research. Funds were donated directly to JDRF for the Walk Event during the 2020 run.